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Search results for References by olney, p.j.s.
Olney, P.J.S., 1980. Mammals bred in captivity and multiple generation births in 1978. International Zoo Yearbook 20: 438


Olney, P.J.S., 1980. Census of rare animals in captivity in 1979. International Zoo Yearbook 20: 476-477


Olney, P.J.S., 1979. Census of rare animals in captivity in 1978. International Zoo Yearbook 19: 415-416


Olney, P.J.S., 1979. Mammals bred in captivity and multiple generation births in 1977. International Zoo Yearbook 19: 370


Olney, P.J.S., 1978. Mammals bred in captivity and multiple generation births in 1976. International Zoo Yearbook 18: 392


Olney, P.J.S., 1978. Census of rare animals in captivity in 1977. International Zoo Yearbook 18: 434-434


Olney, P.J.S., 1977. Mammals bred in captivity and multiple generation births in 1975. International Zoo Yearbook 17: 322


Olney, P.J.S., 1977. Census of rare animals in captivity in 1976. International Zoo Yearbook 17: 363-364


Olney, P.J.S., 1976. Mammals bred in captivity and multiple generation births in 1974. International Zoo Yearbook 16: 399


Olney, P.J.S., 1976. Census of rare animals in captivity in 1975. International Zoo Yearbook 16: 438-439


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